
I’m Melissa. I believe in the Oxford Comma and the power of a good cup of coffee paired with good company or a good book (or both). Coffee & Commas exists as as place to document, to think through words, to move myself (and maybe, hopefully, others) forward.

I think in parentheses; in sentences filled with excessive punctuation. I read memoirs and beach-read mysteries and 20th/21st century literature (where my favorite books tend to be those where the line between modernism and postmodernism starts to blur). In fiction, I live for what hovers between and amongst the lines.

I used to think in long, novel length stories. At some point, I started writing short stories, filled with long, parenthetical sentences, because I am nothing if not a believer in the notion that everything is cyclical. Once I graduated from college, however, I fell out of the process of writing, of the habit of jotting down lines on the backs of receipts.

I started this site for a number of reasons, but first and foremost, I miss and want to return to the simple (“simple”) action of writing.

I love hearing from people, so feel free to email me at melissa [at] coffeeandcommas [dot] com.

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