
// Friday, March 27, 2020

hi. happy 2020. happy march, which has been a year in and of itself. i’m ~doing a thing~ and archived all of the old posts, and i need a placeholder post so that this site doesn’t look completely dumb while i rework and figure out a plan. what better time to resurrect an old wordpress blog (and this domain i pay for for email purposes but haven’t used for blogging in two years nearly to the day) than during this weird weird time we’re living in where it kind of feels like the world is ending?

i want to pretend that i’m doing lack of punctuation for the style, but really i’m not, it’s because i’m awkward half sitting on the floor while doing this so i remember to take a break and go outside for a walk the minute i’m done.

hi, friends and handful of people who subscribed via email six years ago. i hope you all are well. going to try, yet again, to make this into a thing, because if nothing else, i’ll think i’ll want something tangible to document this strange time.

ps i haven’t been in wordpress in a real way for years, this new editor is confusing and weird, apologies if this is looks odd and/or is a giant mess.

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